Is the REAL problem that the administration only uses "liberal dialect" when it wants to ...... ?
Faryn Balyncd
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Wed Jan-13-10 08:05 AM
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Is the REAL problem that the administration only uses "liberal dialect" when it wants to ...... ? |
.... to placate the base, and cover the reality that it has mutated HC "reform" into Zeke's no-public-option, corporate-insurance-only, middle-class-taxing mandate?
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Wed Jan-13-10 08:10 AM
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1. Most libs are inteligent enough to smell that tactic coming a mile away. Of course, |
Obama really is liberal on certain issues. What they've done(congress and the admin. going along with) to HCR really sucks though.
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Wed Jan-13-10 08:11 AM
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copied & posted at local forum.
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Wed Jan-13-10 09:13 AM
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3. all politicians do this... |
they`d never get elected if they did`t
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:45 PM
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