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CNN poll:How do you rate Obama's first year?

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w8liftinglady Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 10:19 AM
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CNN poll:How do you rate Obama's first year?
Obama's first year in office?

Don't know17%61093
Total votes: 359292
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leveymg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 10:21 AM
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1. Neither a success nor a failure. Just disappointing.
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Don Caballero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 10:23 AM
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2. Let's get on this guys
Make sure our President is given good marks. Those numbers are way too close for my liking.
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jaxx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 11:07 AM
Response to Reply #2
5. Success.
42% He's done much better than that.
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BlueGirlRedState Donating Member (416 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 10:29 AM
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3. Success
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WT Fuheck Donating Member (392 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 10:33 AM
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4. sadly, on balance, much closer to failure than success.
He has done a few positive things, but he hasn't really accomplished anything on the major issues he campaigned on. He has completely flip-flopped on a number of campaign promises. He has failed to show leadership and commitment to the most critical issues of the last year. He has handed complete control of our economy and treasury to a few wealthy bankers. The party is weaker. The prospects for substantive change are gone for probably a generation.

It's like he aced a couple of quizzes the first month of class, but since then, he skipped the midterms, failed to hand in the research essay and skipped the final. Professor Fuheck gives him a D-, which can not be twisted into "success." MAJOR, EPIC disappointment.
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Frustratedlady Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 11:17 AM
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6. How much more could he have done with the mess he inherited?
That couple has worked their tails off trying to make a difference and I can't imagine anyone could expect them to work harder than they have.

So, you didn't get everything you wanted? He's only been in office for a year. Give the guy a break. What have you accomplished in the same amount of time?

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Marr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 11:19 AM
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7. He's been an amazing success... for his real constituents.
Wall Street bankers, bloated insurance companies, anti-union groups (and the people who build their yachts)... they love him-- and they should.
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ectoendomezo Donating Member (21 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 12:25 PM
Response to Original message
8. Obamas Political OVER!..Sadly!
Yup! Yup! Yup!

Right here in River City...

Look..I voted for Obama..I participated in 'Get Out The Vote' efforts..not ONLY in state..but ALSO in Montana..which he subsequently..'Took' their primary..

And..the true test of political..or Candidate loyalty...I EVEN did "Cold Calls" THAT is "Love"! Believe me..

Beware the Ides of..November? Et Tu Obama? Et Tu?

See..I ask you..WHAT..could Obama..possibly "Say" in 2012 to win another term? "Oh..I DEFINITELY will make Change and Hope THIS TIME! Pinky-Swear!"

See..Obama Had to 'Make Good' on the promises he made..they were THAT..Big! he promised..simply..and"CHANGE" the way ALL of the crooked shams..'Worked'..he said this over..and over again..for Wall St.! For Civil Liberties! Hey..even for NAFTA! And YET?

No! Obama is OUT of stuff to say..he already said it all..and has not ONLY not made it happen..but has so dramatically..with such 'Extreme Prejudice'..turned the other direction...that it is frankly..quite terrifying really is..when you take the "little stuff" that 'We' now have the MOSt.."Private Military Contractors" EVER..working in Afghanistan..MORE than Bush-II! Do YOU remember Obama EVER stating that he would be turing "Policy Making" including..'Social Policy' over to General JIM JONES of the..GULP! National Security Council? No! NOoooo!..No! He NEver said One little word bout that! Nope!

its just that..folks..its literally..EVERY 'issue" Every "Policy"..every.."Program" from HEINOUS Civil Liberties abusing 'Fusion Centers' and 'INFRAGARD' to DE-LISTING the Grey Wolf DAY'S..after this barely sustaining magnificent animal was LISTEd as 'Endangered'..Cause Obama..appoints a Ranching Lobbyist to Call the Shots for Wildlife in this country..Woah! Nelly! And it just went ON and On from there..

I mean..HEY! Prove me WRONG! Do it! Go fer it! look at the appointments..the Corruption he PROMISED to "Change"..change we could "Believe in' no less...WHERE IS IT? WHEN? And WHY NOT?

I was also one of the 20,000 PLUS! Signatories to the "No On Telecom Immunity" "petition"..which he subsequently..and as perhaps his first MAJOR "I got mine..F#$@ You!" to his "Army" he not ONLY voted YES for Retroactive immunity for Corporate Violators of the 4th Amendment...but ALSO voted for 'Cloture' remove the "Issue'"Issue"..He DID this..By The direct denial of the FACT..that at that point...maybe even STILl..that the "No On Telecom Immunity".."Group" on THE..'Biggest Ever' in other was a CRITICAL ISSUE!..Critical!...Utmost Importance!..Highest Priority! This was the 1st in what has almost UNBROKEN stream of..practically.Psychotic if he NEVER said what fact..SAID..e.g. "Wha-? Did I SAY that? Well..what I MEANT was..Change we can..well..Y'know..change MAYBE..Thats what I meant..sorry..just being practical(Wrings His Hands!--his 'Tell')..Garsh! Graci' B.O.! Graci! Bravisimo'!

So..Okay..Votes "YES!"..Lets em OFF the hook for..well..we may NEVER know how far they went..but they fought hard enough that it MUST be..REAL..BAD!..Anyway..Then..he..without a WORD..and this the 'Constitutional Scholar'..went down to Denver..well..went UP to Denver..and was nominated in a Hall..and AT a Party..ALL..Paid! AT&T!

They Don't Call It BRIBERY In This Country If Its POST FACTO! uhhh..Sadly..

So...okay..maybe its a 'Mistake'...I vote for him..anyway..even though so many have yet to ADMIT the reality of his Deceit..we ALL have perhaps the GREATEST 'Excuse' in political history..aka.."There..Really...Was...No..Choice!" A Vote FOR "Palin McCain was a vote FOR Nuclear War and perhaps even the immediate obtaining of "Flash Point" in our Current New Cold War...uhhh..the Cold CIVIL war now festering in the hearts and minds of HAD to vote for Obama even though the Sham of "Change" and 'Hope" was already beginning to make itself known..

The..Caveats..written in 'Disappearing- Reappearing' Ink...beginning to 'Show' on his Campaign Promises..

And then...and THEN? It got..REAL...B-A-D!

Within DAY'S Obama..'Removes' to various and sundry 'Bureaucratic Siberia's' his Economic Policy Team..aka GOOLSBEE and KORNBLUH...Both Progressive and PRO-..VERY Pro-Regulation..who had written speeches for Obama that essentially got him ELECTED in the Midwest..recall GOOLSBEE's great and quite fearless quote to the effect....."AIG should receive a NOBEL PRIZE FOR EVIL!" And where is HE now? Replaced..literally..and I do mean that..Objectively..'Literally'..Overnight with...yup! Bob Rubin Clones..

Now Bobby Treasury Secretary during Clinton was responsible for killing Glass-Stegal as well as the creation of..NAFTA..and-..During his tenure at Citigroup..whose creation was the product of De-Regulation and a mega merger HE was almost SOLELY responsible for is yet to be mentioned in the Harvard..via their...uhhh..ONCE incredible and biggest "ever anywhere" endowment! Well..Bob Rubin an "Arch Capitalist Demagogue" has the "Brown Touch" that certain 'Alchemy' that turns GOLD..into Feces..he ran CITI into the Ground..he Ran the Harvard Endowment into the ground...after getting Another member of the Kleptocracy..Larry-MicroManager-Summers, appointed PRESIDENT of Harvard..and they then Micro-managed the original and SUCCESSFUL team right out the door..and in the INTERIM..ran the endowment INTO..De..Ground..Mit Der Lunatic FREE MARKET MERITOCRACY..insanity..

By the way..Bob Rubin..for his 'Work' in the Clinton Admin. Goes IMMEDIATELY to Citi-where he is subsequently "Paid a Salary" of..$126 MILLION to run their Business into the ground with his shiny new powers..that he gave himself...nice eh what/

Again..They Don't Call It BRIBERY In America..If Its POST FACTO...!

So..ALSO..from Day 1...we have FROMAN..a Sitting Executive at CITIGROUP...overnight appointed to CREATE Obamas 'Economic Policy Team'..essentially the CRITICAL element of his Presidency..and FROMAN..subsequently..hires Jamie Rubin..Bob Rubin's SON..and a whole slew of otehrs..CLOSELY associated with form the 'Board'..that would be SOLELY responsible for..BAILING OUT...CITIBANK!...Oh yeah..and FROMAN..didn't QUIT..his job at CITI for almost a MONTH AFTER taking the gig for Obama..a MONTH..spent enlisting the VERY individuals that would then grant CITI..$360 BILLION..with a 'B'...Tax Dollars to bail may have guessed it...BOB RUBIN'S Screw-Ups while HE worked at Citi...yeah! It was BOB RUBIN that told CITI to 'Invest in CDO'S and CDS's'..the Ol Brown Touch...its ALL on paper..they aren't even TRYING to hide was...amazing!..The HUBRIS..of this "Deal" perhaps the biggest Rat-F@#$ in Political History..Obama..OPENLY..deceived ALL of us that voted for him...and CONTINUES TO DO SO!

I could go on..I am SO dissapointed...I am So disillusioned..the LIES..the SHAM..the so..BLATANT...Obama is perhaps the..most..Disingenuous Candidate..and American History...People that voted for him..MUSt begin to accept this reality..for a REALITY it is! Get therapy..whatever..but ADMIT it! Because the sooner you do THAT..the sooner you can decide if its worth 'Putting Everything Into One More Try!' Because Repug Nightmare aside..we probobly..only more try know.."390 PPM" and all..I mean frankly..i am beginning to realize..basically..we probably..'Aren't Going to Make It!'..we just simply do not.."Have The Time!" to figure out the 'Social Stuff' AND the Environment..I mean..right?

So..2012 is perhaps the greatest opportunity for a 3rd Party...ever! and hereby Propose:



I mean..this is what Obama PRETENDED to be! So we KNOW it CAN WIN..our Values of Constitutional Republic..PLUS..the 'New' Values of WIDE acceptance of Life-style and personal expression..

Add the 'ERA' to the platform..the Equal Rights Amendment(where did that go anyway?) and voila..the Womans Vote..

De-fang the right by stating unequivocally..that we ACCEPT..ALL..the 'Amendments'..yes..EVEN the 2nd! No hair-Splitting of the Bill Of Rights..hey! Just LOOK where THAT kind of thing has brought us to already..start messin round with the "Big Agreement" and..oops! Slippery Slope-Ville!

So...look Folks..ONE MORE TIME! Because Obama..ain't getting a 'Second Mandate' its ALREADY OVER! He's just the Slickest..Hustler to come down the pike..BASICALLY..Folks need to start to realize.."They Stole It Again" but this was BANKERS...not the it was...Su-Liiiiick..slick...sliiiick! Oh so...slippery!..Oh so Sly...Oh so..Radar Sneaky! Cartesian Form..Intuition..Analysis..Synthesis..Deduction...I have little realistic "Choice" but to give Obama a SOLID..."Intentional and Catastrophic FAILURE!"
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MadBadger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 12:26 PM
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9. What kind of poll only gives you the option of success or failure?
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