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Prop 8 Trial Day 3 - new link to follow

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Kadie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 01:35 PM
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Prop 8 Trial Day 3 - new link to follow

Liveblogging Day 3: Early Morning
By Paul Hogarth

Good morning! My name is Paul Hogarth, and I’m the Managing Editor of Beyond Chron ( I’ll be your Courage Campaign live-blogger for the trial today. I’m in the overflow room of the Federal Building, literally the only place where you can watch it on video — thanks to the Supreme Court injunction. We’ll hear later today if the injunction is lifted, but for now I’ll do my best to brief you all on what’s goin’ on …

8:49 The Defense’s cross-examination of History Professor Chauncey continues, and they’re asking him about how much — as a historian — public opinion on same-sex marriage has changed in recent years. The fact that in 2000, Vermont Governor Howard Dean was denounced for supporting civil unions. Lotsa statsitics on polling data are being thrown about. The generational shift is noted — young people support it 4 times as much as their grandparents.


8:59 Thompson is now cross-examining Professor Chauncey about changing medical and psychological opinions on homosexuality. It’s very apparent, based on his line of questioning, that Thompson is making Chauncey admit that things are just hunky dory for gays and lesbians — that we’ve “moved beyond” discrimination. That shows like “Will and Grace” are popular, that “Philadelphia” and “Brokeback Mountain” were successful box office hits, and that gays have a “powerful ally” in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I’ve been concerned by how many times that Chauncey is agreeing with the cross-examination’s line of questioning, until Thompson asked him about changing public perceptions at Yale.

Chauncey: “I would hardly call Yale a bellwether of public opinion in the United States.”

Thompson: “Thank heavens.”


9:32 AM: Now Thompson is getting absurd. He is asking Chauncey a whole line of questioning about how many religious groups and churches support marriage equality, that they are evolving. Finally, (thank God — no pun intended) Chauncey has pointed out that the religious groups he cited — MCC, Unitarians, etc. — are not the majority of Christian groups.

Chauncey: “There’s a growing debate , but most religious groups are not with us.”

Thompson: “Most evangelicals oppose same-sex marriage, but isn’t it true that demonization of homosexuals has become less accepted?” Now, they’re showing some video footage of Pastor Rick Warren — who said that everyone should be accepted and show “common grace to each other” but we shouldn’t be “redefining marriage.”

(Complaining that we can't be bigots anymore reminds me of what Jon Stewart said on the "Daily Show" after Maine after voters passed Question 1 (note: I traveled to Maine, and was very involved in the "no" campaign.) After quoting a right-winger who complained that homophobia is less accepted, Stewart says: "Well gee, if we can't go after homosexuals -- who can we? The Irish?")

much more at link...

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Kadie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-13-10 01:48 PM
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10:26 AM: We’re back from a short intermission — so I’m starting a new thread.

Thompson: Quoting a California legislator (Jack O’Connell) who supports domestic partnerships, but has difficulty supporting gay marriage. ”Marriage is too steeped in tradition …” Wasn’t it the opinion of LGBT groups in the 1990’s that supporting civil unions was an “equitable” position?

Chauncey: This was a time when marriage was seen as far too distant a prospect — given the opposition to it. So in this context, they would be grateful to have supported it.

Thompson now wants to show video of people who were beaten up for supporting Prop 8. SF Deputy City Attorney Therese Stewart objects, because it is not relevant.

(Opponents of gay marriage love playing the victim. The irony of this is that during the Prop 8 campaign, "Yes on 8" folks tried to organize boycotts of businesses that gave money to "No on 8." See: -- Once the Election was over, nobody talks about this anymore. All we hear about is "Yes on 8" people being boycotted and persecuted for their beliefs, when the EXACT SAME THING happened to our side before the election.)

Judge allows Thompson to continue line of questioning on religious groups being “defaced” — but won’t let him show a video.

T: Isn’t it true that some hostility to the LGBT community comes from these attacks on Yes on 8 supporters?

C: It seems unlikely on the face of it. You would have to bring a compelling case to me.


10:33 AM: Thompson — Isn’t it true that people voted for Prop 8 based upon their sincere moral values?

C: Many people opposed desegregation and interracial marriage based upon their sincere moral values.

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