The Democrats should run an ad of Rush Limbuagh making those statements about Haiti
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Wed Jan-13-10 05:59 PM
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The Democrats should run an ad of Rush Limbuagh making those statements about Haiti |
and say if you vote for Scott Brown it will make Rush Limbaugh happy.
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Wed Jan-13-10 06:28 PM
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Every conservative who has made common cause with Limbaugh or uttered similar racist statements should have this albatross hung around their necks.
Cessna Invesco Palin
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Wed Jan-13-10 06:31 PM
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Trying to use this tragedy for political purposes while people are still being pulled out of the rubble is what I'd expect from Rush, but I don't see the value in sinking to his disgusting level.
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Wed Jan-13-10 06:47 PM
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3. Rush Limbaugh isn't running for anything. |
However, there's nothing to stop other media hosts from criticizing him for it. I'm sure KO already has him pegged for his Worst Persons in the World segment. Ed Schultz is framing this in his Psycho Talk segment. He will get backlash in the media you can be sure of it. It's almost as good as an ad and it won't cost the Democrats anything.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 02:54 PM
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