as the thread has made its way to p.2 and no doubt beyond, I just wondered not only about this survey, but another news story that was in the WSJ today. Of course there would be doubts about anything found in a Murdoch publication, and other reasons to doubt the veracity of any story out of a theater of invasion/occupation, a foreign insertion into a long-running civil war of sorts.
I don't read that paper regularly as I learned a long time ago not to when a right wing boss I had used to take the WSJ into the loo every morning for his sitdown and after having read the lead editorial, he would have his talking points down for the day. So there is no doubt the WSJ has been a standard bearer for the business interests that control most things in our society. It was not a surprise to read that the insurgents are credited with causing an increase in Afghan civilian deaths because they have stepped up the campaigns of roadside IEDs and the old fashioned suicide bomber that is tried and true in the middle east for causing maximum mayhem and carnage. None of that surprised me as one escalation leads to the next escalation by the other side and so on and so forth, ad nauseum.
What surprised me was the UN was the one doing the data collection according to this story. However that was done, it was met with some of the same criticism (see the last couple paragraphs reprinted below herein) as was aimed at the reliability of the afore-mentioned survey that is the subject of this thread. Is the UN now in the business of promoting negligent reports, thereby innocently aiding one side or the other in this mess? Who can do any reliable reporting when you know that each little area over there is almost autonomous to all other regions, with each area claiming its own little local warlord who are the ones that have the final say? Guvmint, foreign invaders and Taliban be damned. Does anyone here believe what this report shows? Does it really matter? Is this supposed to somehow make us all feel better that the innocent dying for the last year or so can be chalked up more to insurgents than the US or the Afghan guvmint? Does this inspire more sincere discussion and less hyperbolic falteral? Can we believe anything from over there aside from personal accounts from those with direct experience?
I just noticed the underlying article emanated from the Asia Times and was an apparent reprint at the WSJ site on my Google homepage. Does that alter anything? Civilian Deaths Jump in Afghanistan
"KABUL—The number of civilians killed by spiraling violence in Afghanistan hit a record high last year, although civilian deaths caused by U.S. and allied forces dropped by nearly a third, the United Nations said, indicating that coalition efforts to cut down on civilian casualties are having an impact on the battlefield.
The number of civilians killed by the Taliban and its allies was up sharply, by about 40%, the U.N. mission in Afghanistan found, according to a survey released Wednesday. The overall drop in deaths resulting from allied action and the corresponding spike in deaths attributed to insurgents could help Western forces win support in from wary Afghans...
...Some experts cautioned that the actual civilian death toll could be much higher because of the difficulties faced in accessing many areas of Afghanistan to collect an accurate tally.
"This is the tip of iceberg," said Mudassir Rasuli, spokesman for Afghan group Against Civilian Casualties, an umbrella organization of groups monitoring civilian casualties. "Every day we are working with families harmed in the conflict whose stories never see the light of day," he said.
Discuss rationally please