I've seen calls to end Rush's career and just a general lot of irritation at him a Robertson. But here's the problem: there are core groups of supporters for both. In the language of the marketplace, there's a market there and somebody is going to fill it. If rush goes away, there are a bunch of people just waiting to fill that niche.
Do you honestly think that Rush believes what he says? He's a smart guy, specifically in that he knows his market and how to cater to it. He's smart enough to know that his arguments are based on things that are not true. He's also smart enough to know that the people he's talking to don't give a rat's ass. Those people are far enough to the right in ideology that they will ignore facts or twist them in order to fit that ideology.
As an aside, I worry about being too far left to look at things objectively myself. Ideology can be a powerful drug, and it's worth keeping that in mind.
Robertson? He's in a long, proud line of people doing that job. Sometimes a little bit of God goes a long way and people who need it (OxyGodtin?) will swallow a whole lot else to get it. He knows his market too, and truth can't hold a candle to greed.
In the end it's not Rush or Pat. Their followers keep them alive and there's not a lot that can be done about it. There will always be people in the fringes of the bell curve, believing the wackiest things because it helps them through their day. Personally, the more crap Rush spews out, the more any reasonable person looks at him and his followers and say, "WTF?" They marginalize themselves. They've almost marginalized the entire republican party.
So carry on, my fat warriors of the airwaves!