The first one is your vote. It's yours to do with as you please. You can deploy it has a reward or a rebuke, you can withhold it all together. You can be subversive to "send messages" by writing in the names of someone who was perhaps eliminated earlier. Your vote has the most power when it is used early when fewer people vote - primaries, off year elections, etc. Your vote has more power if you can use it as a magnet to attract more votes around it. People care about what you think if you vote. I know that the reason I get so many calls by so many organizations is that they know from the polls that I actually turn up, even if it is for the off-year special election for dog catcher.
I turned out in Virginia to vote for down-ticket Democrats even though we had a complete Blue Dog at the head of the ticket in Creigh Deeds, who made the idiotic mistake of trying to be more Republican than Democrat in his campaign.
I am so disgusted with the Democrats/Obama Administration for any number of things, but most especially for the way they have completely screwed up the healthcare reform mandate that was given to them overwhelmingly in 2008, that for the first time in my life, I am sitting here looking at my vote as though it were a toll token that takes me someplace I just don't want to be. I just don't know what to do with the damn thing. Of course this also does not take into account my almost heartbreakingly naive and sweet assumption that my vote actually does get counted the way I want it to in our opaque, hackable, provably inaccurate election machinery.
The second arrow in your quiver is your dollars - where you spend them and how you deploy them politically. People are on completely the right track when they say - don't like the banks? - use the credit unions.
I would go further and urge people not to participate in the stock market or at least go back to the old model before mutual funds where you personally selected the companies you invest in because you believe they have a good product and are responsible employers who don't plunder the company's assets for the benefit of a few at the top. I know there are Socially Responsible Funds - I might take a closer look at those. I'm sure they don't have anywhere near the same kind of returns as a company that employs 12 year olds in Third World countries and outsources American jobs, but that's a choice we all have to make. If there was a fund that specialized in American companies that kept their manufacturing in America, that would be something I also would be interested in.
In the meantime, quite ago while when my disgust with executive compensation was at its acme, I took all my IRAs and put them in treasuries and Government bond funds. I am very happy with that choice. The money is safe, and actually, some of my returns have been surprisingly good - the bond funds, not the money markets. I KNOW that I could get a higher return with equities, but I am taking a hiatus from a system that I think is broken and filled with horrific corruption that comes from the very top of many, many companies. This is me voting with my dollar to not participate in the corporatacracy and I might suffer some actual personal loss to buttress my viewpoint. Oh well.
There are fewer disposable dollars out there in the aggregate to spend. You can have a BIG impact by where you put those precious dollars.