I'm still kind of sitting here in a fog, so if I omit an important detail or contradict myself, chalk it up to nerves or whatever. I guess I'll give some background.
I'm 39. My brother was a few years older than me. He had been pretty sick for the last few days, and I was visiting him to see how he was doing. Obviously not well. He looked so bad I knew he had to go to the hospital. Long story short, he made it to the bathroom to clean up and collapsed. I thought he was in the shower but he only made it far enough to turn it on. After 15 minutes I went to see what was going on and found him. I worked him with CPR until the ambulance got there, but he was gone. This was about 22 hours ago. I can still taste him on my lips, or at least I think I can. I have strong emotions I'm dealing with about all this but I am boxing those up and putting them to the side for the time being.
I have to give the eulogy. I have never minded public speaking. I actually enjoy it. Not so much now, but what I'm trying to say is I'm not scared of a crowd. But I don't know what to say about my brother. I'll tell you about him as truthfully as I can, and you can remind yourself that he's not here to defend himself or tell his side. This is long, so stop if you don't want a long rambling read.
My brother was a very smart child. Through my formative years and up through say, sixth grade or so, he preceded me in every class, and each of my teachers told me I had enormous shoes to fill. My Dad left when I was 2 and he was 7.
When he was 15 he and his friends began to sneak beers from his friends' parents. Beers became multiple beers and became hard liquor, pot, cocaine, illegal prescription meds, all that. Whatever he could get. By the time he was 20 he was used up. The kid who was on track for a free ride to a prestigious college was a dropout and wicked hardcore alcoholic. Various DUIs and petty crimes bankrupted my family. Me, my sister, and my mom intervened as best we could. Rehab, turning him in to the police, taking his car keys, nothing worked. The best we were ever able to do with him was sometimes get him straight long enough to get the extended family off his case. My sister, myself and my mom knew better and would try to get him long-term straightened out. This was pretty much the pattern for his whole adult life.
The last 15 years, he drank in lieu of eating. He got no vitamins and wasted away to about 90 pounds. His skin was yellow and so were his fingernails. I found him utterly repulsive and could barely stand to look at him. I'm sure he knew it. He couldn't work because he was nearly blind, and every pity job someone gave him within walking distance was quickly ended due to some alcohol-related drama. A few women thought they could change him and emerged from the relationships emotionally damaged.
To sum it up, he was a joy until the age of 15, and he was a black hole after that. A user of love and resources that nothing worthwhile escaped from. He became a grotesque and tragic figure that no one wanted to be around. My heart literally is hurting right now for what he became. Such a waste. I'm so angry at him still and yet so sorry for being angry. I can't stop crying and I can think of a few bastards on DU who will probably come in with some snark. A big pre-emptive 'screw you' to you if you do. I won't acknowledge it with a reponse.
My mom and dad are in pieces and have asked me to give the eulogy. Of course I will. But I don't know what to say. I can't lie, especially to the people who knew him. I can't trash him with the truth. I know I have to cherry pick some memories from my childhood but it's not enough. I need help. Has anyone been through this? What do you say? After all he did and what he became he was still my brother.