So, HANNITY was interviewing her for the umpteenth time, which turns out to mean sychophanting the crap out of her, and this is supposed to be "commentary"?!1 They went through a full half hour of rummaging through her robot catch phrases, including parroting words like "dithering".
Finally, he read off what her role as his "colleague" (she said "teammate") was going to be, "hosting shows"!1 And he said he would guess that one of her shows would be on the topic of ENERGY POLICY, and she said, YESSSS!1
O.K., so that's ONE ringy dingy.
She then said she wants to FIND real Americans and interview them, that they would be real Americans who are worthy to be role models for children, and that she will be saying to children that THESE are true AMERICAN IDOLS, yaas, that (she actually said this: ) she will be doing "the REAL AMERICAN IDOL!1"
Now, Oliver NORTH (who?!1) used to SOUND like his nuttiness meant something. Where is he now? How long can SHE be "interviewed"?