I don't watch Faux, but my co-worker does (her son works there as a cameraman, understandable--no, not all the workers there are right wing!).
When she told me how she came home late from a concert and turned on Fux and found NOTHING about Haiti, just that Glenn Beck/Palin thing, my jaw dropped.
I understand people not wanting to watch CNN 24/7 and feeling uncomfortable with the disaster-porn/exploitation aspect. I'm kinda with that.
But to run some wingnut circle jerk with no mention at all of the fact that HELLO, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE MIGHT BE DEAD IN OUR TIME ZONE. Even if you only care about Americans, there's still the fact that THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS HAVE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS THERE, AND THOUSANDS MORE ARE GOING DOWN TO HELP IN THE FLESH, AND MANY MILLIONS MORE HAVE DONATED MONEY, CANNED FOOD, BLOOD, WHATEVER THEY COULD SPARE. You'd think that would be an important story, right? Gives me fucking chills that they think Sarah Palin is more important.
I know why, of course. Gods damn them.