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Virgin Mobile donation questions...

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
atomic-fly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-15-10 07:35 AM
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Virgin Mobile donation questions...
I have a Virgin prepaid prepaid phone...I've tried to donate
to 90999 and it does not see to confirm. Online it shows no deduction
from my balance.
Anybody use there Virgin phone successfully to donate?
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MiniMe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-15-10 08:26 AM
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1. I'll start off by saying I don't have Virgin Mobile, but
The 90999 number works by charging the $10 to your mobile phone bill. Since you have a prepaid phone, you don't get a phone bill, so that could be part of the problem. I'm not sure if Virgin is participating in the program.
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atomic-fly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-15-10 08:44 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. thanks....
I sent to Obama's campaign using it..I guess the phone bill thing is the loop hole.
Hmmm any other places that take direct text donations?
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clear eye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-15-10 08:52 AM
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3. This method donates to the Red Cross. A spokesperson asked that we donate to other orgs.
Last night on TV, a spokesperson from the Red Cross said she was overwhelmed w/ the generosity of Americans, and suggested that people might want to donate to other relief groups also.

I highly recommend the following group (top-rated by Charity Navigator): Action Against Hunger online donation page

PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI—Less than 48 hours after a massive quake devastated parts of western Haiti, Action Against Hunger’s teams already on the ground have fully mobilized to meet humanitarian needs. External emergency personnel from Action Against Hunger | ACF International have also arrived to reinforce relief efforts already taking place, assess needs, and set up programs to assist disaster victims.

Action Against Hunger’s top priority is access to safe water and sanitation, and the organization is especially concerned about controlling epidemics, as large swaths of the population are living on the streets among the deceased. This massive population of homeless people has no access to adequate sanitation, including latrines, which greatly increases their risk of disease.


This group has been doing work to provide safe drinking water, sanitation, shelter, and food in Haiti since 1985, so they can make excellent use of donations. They will continue to help, w/o preconditions, militarization, or requirements for recompense, long after all others have left the country.

If you do not want to use a credit card, they will take checks. The online form w/ the mailing address is here:

Their phone # is (1) 212 967 7800. Perhaps they can arrange to accept a check over the phone, if you'd prefer.
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