The freep thread:
Haiti earthquake: Thousands struggle for survival in rubble
Herald Sun ^ | January 15, 2010 | By Haiti correspondents
Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 1:59:34 AM by myknowledge
THE United States is taking charge in earthquake-devastated Haiti as thousands of troops and tonnes of aid begin arriving in the impoverished Caribbean nation. US President Barack Obama, responding to the first large-scale humanitarian disaster of his presidency, has pledged $US100 million to Haiti with more to come. "I will not put up with any excuses for us not doing the very best in this time of tragedy,'' Mr Obama said. He announced that the "first waves" of the US response were in place including two search-and-rescue teams on the ground, Coast Guard cutters in the port, the US Southern Command in control of the airport and airlifts bringing in supplies and taking out the injured, the Associated Press reported.
The responses:
To: myknowledge
Obama the blundering. He is preparing to adopt a country. Insanity is ruling the White House. “White mans greed” remember that. He must be stopped. There is no exit strategy from Haiti.
2 posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 3:11:29 AM by screaminsunshine (!!three if by government)
To: myknowledge
Ten minutes after the United States pumps hundreds of millions of dollars and billions in assets into Haiti, Obum-bum will go on another world American embarrassment appologie tour, to tell the world what rotten dirty selfish bastards the American people are and he is so sorry that he has to be their president!
3 posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 3:19:32 AM by paratrooper82 (We are kicking Ass in Afghanistan, soon we will be home to kick some more Asses in Congress!)
To: myknowledge
“I will not put up with any excuses for us not doing the very best in this time of tragedy,’’ Mr Obama said
What kind of a stupid assed statement is that.?
4 posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 3:52:58 AM by Venturer
To: Venturer
What kind of a stupid assed statement is that.?
He is such an ahole. He loves to make these type of statements about what he will and will not tolerate as though any of us give a rat's patootey.
5 posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 3:55:01 AM by riri (Resistance-It's the New Black)
To: screaminsunshine
Perhaps it will become the 57th state.
6 posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 3:58:24 AM by FES0844
To: myknowledge
If Obama is fair, he’ll give them the right to vote in U.S. elections, and give them all tax rebates and cable tv.
7 posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 4:18:13 AM by Born to Conserve
To: Venturer
re: I will not put up with any excuses
It’s always about him, isn’t it? “I” this and “I” that, and “me” this and “me” that. He strutted into the Oval Office without a clue as to how little control even the POTUS has over most things in life. He was elected despite having absolutely no understanding of how things work, and more to the point, just how totally inept he is.
It pains me that the world’s first response to a disaster like this is to look to the US military. That’s not their job, and the training they have does not lend itself to that kind of duty.
8 posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 5:00:15 AM by jwparkerjr
To: Born to Conserve
The 10th plane in the landing pattern, waiting for room at the Haiti airport is filled with ACORN members.
9 posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 5:05:27 AM by ridesthemiles