Edited on Fri Jan-15-10 01:08 PM by UTUSN
First, let's (talking here, not to LIMBOsevic) clear away any posts about: Who cares about L., why do you listen to him, you're giving him ratings, only freeps listen to him, et al.
So, the question for him (or for whoever has the insight): He does this over and over again, ALL of his entire years on the air:: He makes some outrageous statement, some heck (not ALL heck) breaks loose, then he spends the next several days explaining how he "illustrates the absurd by being absurd", yesterday calling a caller a blockhead and a bigot and something-tamponed for not understanding his brilliance, endlessly attempting to justify himself by explaining his supposedly satirical/comedic techniques, quoting later pundits saying (later) what he said first but their not being castigated the way HE was, until THAT controversy is dumped -- till the next time. And the whole process is repeated.
The pop cliche is that "mental illness means doing what doesn't work, over and over again."
Right now he's saying (after the hour of attempting to justify his Haiti crap), "And the light-skin, dark-sking thing, they STILL DON'T GET I was making fun of Harry REID."
As for his other anomalies, it's supposedly another one of those "open mic Fridays" where the callers are supposed to get to set the topics, not to mention TALK, AND so far, NOT A SINGLE CALL taken. What about where he insults his own dittoheads by saying "with half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair." I guess his dittoheads don't get they are being insulted themselves.
But the main thing is that he goes through the SAME pattern of setting off an explosion then retreating and rehashing how his BRILLIANCE WAS MISUNDERSTOOD (again).
The first hour's over on "open mic Friday" and still no call taken.