Student's free speech case facing appeal
BURLINGTON, Conn., Jan. 15 (UPI) -- A former high school student alleges in a case before the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals her use of vulgar language falls under free speech rights.
Avery Doninger insists when she berated school administrators at Lewis Mills High School in Burlington, Conn., with vulgar language in a 2007 online posting, she was using her constitutional right to free speech, The Hartford (Conn.) Courant said Friday.
Doninger alleges in her lawsuit that her civil and constitutional rights were violated when school officials punished her for her comments.
The case previously went before U.S. District Judge Mark R. Kravitz as well as the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals with both decisions tending to favor the school system.
Attorney Thomas R. Gerarde, who represents school officials in the case, said Kravitz and the appeals court found school administrators needed to minimize the potential disruption that Doninger could have caused with her outspoken actions.