WHEREAS Wall Street billionaire Pete Peterson has recently hooked up with the Washington Post, which has agreed to host his “news Network” intended to “jointly produce content focusing on the budget and fiscal issues,” which amounts to writing editorials and attempting to pass them off as news; and
WHEREAS in his first “news” dispatch Peterson has proposed that Congress create a special commission of eighteen senators and representatives empowered to make the “tough” budget decisions politicians do not want to make about slashing Social Security benefits, raising payroll taxes or both; and
WHEREAS Obama's budget director Peter Orszag once co-authored a “reform” plan that would raise the payroll tax on young workers and cut benefits for older people near retirement; and
WHEREAS Senate bill S.2853 would set up a bipartisan commission to design and propose a new set of spending constraints, requiring Congress to consider the proposal on a fast track and vote it up or down, with no power to amend it, thus removing major budget and funding decisions from the normal congressional process and depriving the public of opportunity to impact the bill; and
WHEREAS it has been rumored (so far without substantiation) that Senator Reid and Representative Pelosi are prepared to go along with this ploy;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 11th LD Democrats demand that Senator Reid and Representative Pelosi publicly clarify their positions on this issue; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we demand that President Obama and our Washington State Democratic delegation take a public stand against this proposed unelected “commission”; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we reinstate taxes on the wealthy and institute taxes on short term financial transactions in order to deal with our budget shortfall; and
THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that since all Democrats, even the most conservative Blue Dogs, remained united in their defense of Social Security against the Bush administration in 2005, all Democrats should maintain that unity against a similar potential attack under a Democratic administration now and in the future.
Submitted to the 11th Legislative District Democrats for endorsement at its meeting of January 19, 2010.