I wrote this on another thread and thought it needed more attention.
Cause that totally was working. And maybe we can scrap the single that this bill is while swinging for the fences and try again in 2030. Instead of a halfway decent start down a path that has been impassable before, we should stop and wait for another more perfect time?
How about instead of being so (pardon my language) fucking negative, we try to be a little positive for once? How bout instead of us all sitting around whinging about what we didn't get, we talk about what we will get? What the adminstration and congress has done? Let's point out that 30 days after the President signs some sort of this bill, whatever comes out of the sausage factory, it will be illegal for an insurance company to deny you coverage because you had cancer? Or kick you off the rolls because you are too expensive based on a technicality? How about we discuss the adding (yes, by mandate) of 35 million people to insurance pools, which will increase the amount of money being spent on everyone? Or maybe the subsides to help people pay for it? (you call yay a giveaway, I call it the start of the Feds having a financial stake in regulating insurance companies. All of a sudden, the Feds have skin in the game, and 50 million middle class voters paying attention.) how about we discuss the people who live in areas that have no insurance competition? Why does Blue Cross charge more in Asheville, NC than New York City for the same thing, despite higher costs in New York? (you can't tell me that a doctor charges less for a visit in New York than Asheville) and that the exchanges will bring new competition to places that haven't been worth it for companies to enter? How about the idea that this bill, as imperfect as it will be, changes the health care game completely? Once this bill passes, when it passes, health care goes from something we collectively provide to those with jobs, children and the elderly (however imperfecty) to something everyone has access to, from an individual responsibility for most people (save the aformentioned children and elderly) to a collective responsibility. This bill is a game changer. It's certainly not a game winner, but it is an irrevocable step toward the workforce dependent care we have today. a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, right? So a few people get rich for a while. guess what? Someone always gets rich it's a small price to pay to change the rules of the game.
Health care not enough for you?
How about we discuss the fact that in one year the Obama administration has brought more actions against companies for unsafe working conditions and unfair pay practices than the Bushies did in 8? Or maybe increased enforcement of environmental regs? Increased enforcement of civil rights laws? How about a government that deals with science, not fantasy? Or how the adminstration has recovered 80% of the bank bailout (and made a *gasp* profit on that) with a plan to recover the rest? Bush gave that money away, Obama got most of it back. Good enough? Nope. Better? Oh hell yes.
So can we try and focus on the positive, while still pressing for more? Can we give them at least two years before going back to the Bush era? So for this thread only: say something positive about Obama, the Dems in the Senate, anyone in government. If you seriously have nothing positive to say about the Democratic Majorities or President Obama, if they've done NOTHING you agree with or like, perhaps you should abstain from this thread and consider why you have so much in common with Glenn Beck.