That's the gut-wrenching nature of my family.
My other sister...a racist and a freeper from the inside out...sits on her ass in the Colorado Springs home she bought with the money from my mother's estate, never lifting a finger to help anyone but herself.
Donna, on the other hand...I could give you a list as long as my arm of all the terrible, unfair things that have happened to this woman in her life. And through it all, I've never seen a more selfless human being. As I said, she is a trained volunteer...she will not be going there to "get in the way"...and immediately following Katrina, she was headed off to New Orleans, helping out, putting her own needs and agenda aside to help others.
She doesn't do it for glory or publicity. She's well known in her community...she works in soup kitchens a couple of days a week, has raised money to buy art supplies for local classrooms...and the newspapers pick up on it and write about her often. But she is never "tooting her own horn." She'd probably be just as happy if 100% of her efforts were carried out in full anonymity. She's not doing it for recognition...she's doing it because it's who she is.
For the record, her husband works and is the primary breadwinner for the family. He supports the fact that this is who she is and this is what she does, and when the first news of the Haiti disaster started coming in, I am sure he knew...immediately...that she would be going, before she announced her plans. I know there are some here who might think "Well, it's NICE that she can AFFORD to take off for a month..."
No it's not. She and her husband live in a humble little shithole in the Nevada desert that they built themselves, on a plot of land they saved up for YEARS to buy.
Families...go figure.