Locally, a member of a religious denomination went on t.v. saying he is just waiting the go-ahead from his organization to go to Haiti to help. He also said that his organization has trained its members to go withOUT any provisions for food or shelter FOR THEMSELVES because "God will provide." What they have on hand to offer are 5,000 widgets for a certain niche human need. (I don't want to be more specific so as not to identify the group and thereby stigmatize them.) Missionary outreach is one dimension of the enterprise.
The intentions are worthy, or as I'm framing it, within the realm of "worthiness". But: 1) This group will NOT be SELF-sustaining with their own food and shelter. This means they will at SOME level be dependent themselves on the resources that will detract from what's available to the primary victims themselves. 2) Proselytlyzing is involved, even if they will, by the desperate physical needs they will find, be forced to downplay it by some degree. I submit that the Haitians have their own spiritual resources, without needing any degree of conversion. And "conversion" in itself carries the implication that something "better" is being substituted, which is not called for.
Somebody said this fellow shouldn't be criticized (if that's what this is) because he might "touch" someone. O.K. I'm just saying that there is such a thing as "hero syndrome" (I forget the official name of it) that might be in play here, especially when they go on t.v. and appear to be consumed with "holy" intensity. (Google actually had results for "hero syndrome", below. Oh, found it: Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) . )
Yes, he might "touch" one person, or ten, or fifty, or whatever the number. There probably isn't a calculation regarding how many might be impeded from accessing the resources he himself will use.
There has already been fierce discussion here about the speed of the aid so far, such that there is probably no way to perform a screening process for this possibly less effective way of helping. There's even a thread quoting General HONORE saying that the "assessment" approach is delaying things. O.K.
I think I'm just floundering to say that there are many ways to help, some of them in the anonymous background.
********On multiple Edit: The media people melded to the mics and cameras, falling over themselves, are a related issue.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_SyndromeHero Syndrome
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The hero syndrome is a phenomenon affecting people who seek heroism or recognition, usually by creating a desperate situation which they can solve. This can include unlawful acts, such as arson. The phenomenon has been noted to affect civil servants, such as firefighters, nurses, police officers, and security guards. <1> Acts linked with the hero syndrome should not be confused with acts of malicious intent, such as revenge on the part of a suspended firefighter or an insatiable level of excitement, as was found in a federal study of more than 75 firefighter arsonists. <2> However, acts of the hero syndrome have been linked to previously failed heroism.<3> The hero syndrome may also be a more general yearning for self-worth. <4>.
A screening method has been developed, based on the case that those who commit the acts are generally young and are looking for an opportunity to prove or flaunt their bravery. <5> However, there are no formal scientific studies on the hero syndrome. <6> Some claim that those with the syndrome are “narcissists in a slump,” pointing to people who have failed to achieve their dreams and ambitions, downtrodden by society’s infatuation with fame. <7>
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/They+also+serve+who+only+stand+and+waitThey also serve who only stand and wait
Cultural Dictionary
The last line of the poem “On His Blindness,” by John Milton. The poet reflects that he has a place in God's world despite his disability.