"Obama loves kissing right-wing ass."
"Honestly, I don't think he cares. He just wants a "win" no matter who it hurts."
"Are you kidding? Everything I've seen in the last year tells me Obama would find some way to placate, accommodate, and otherwise cave in to whatever Rush says."
"No, if you don't believe he's a corporate shill, a warmonger and a DLC-plant, YOU'RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION. You're burying your head in the sand to stay willfully and voluntarily ignorant. And that's not an opinion, but a cold, hard FACT."
these comments were made on this site specifically about obama, but if you apply them to any dem politician, then the same holds true. let me 'splain...if you make statements like the above then we know where you stand on this subject and further discussion with you about it is clearly pointless.