"Coakley's actions as District Attorney in the sexual abuse case of a 23-month old girl in 2005 have drawn sharp criticism. <39> Coakley, who oversaw the Grand Jury for the case, did not indict the individual, a Somerville Police Officer. Later, after a criminal complaint was filed by the parents of the victim, she requested that he be released without cash bail. The DA succeeding Coakley subsequently secured a conviction awarding two life sentences for the crime. Coakley has defended her actions in this case <40> , saying she acted appropriately given the evidence that was available at the time."
Coakley received sharp criticism from major newspapers in Massachusetts for failure to recommend commutation for Gerald Amirault who is widely cited as a falsely accused party in a Day care sex abuse hysteria case, the Fells Acres Day Care Center preschool trial. Despite releasing two women from the family from custody, Amirault was denied commutation, which critics cite as an example of a double standard.<41>. Wall Street Journal reporter Dorothy Rabinowitz cites her pursuit of the case despite lack of corroborating evidence as an example of questionable judgment on Coakley's part.<42>
Coakley admitted to making an "honest mistake" while filing the financial disclosure forms for her senate run claiming to have no personal assets when in fact she had an account under her husbands name with over $200,000 and a personal IRA containing approximatly $12,000. <48>
"She also declined to reprimand the state's District Attorneys in relation to false statements they allegedly made regarding the effects of the state's voter approved Massachusetts Sensible Marijuana Policy Initiative in an attempt to defeat the ballot question, as well as allegations the District Attorneys misused state resources (website) and failed to file as designated ballot committee in a timely manner while receiving contributions as required by law while challenging the initiative.<35>....(more)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_CoakleyCoakleys corporate connection--Coakley is in the middle of a tight race and she's flying to DC one week before the election to be with a group of corporate lobbyists?
And then Carney went down the list of 22 members of the host committees - meaning they each raised $10,000 or more for Coakley.
"Seventeen are federally registered lobbyists, 15 of whom have health-care clients," Carney said.
"You see the names - Gerald Cassidy, David Castagnetti,, Tommy Boggs - those are all lobbyists I've highlighted there who have clients who are drug companies, health insurers, hospitals or all three," Carney said. "AHIP, Phrma, Pfizer, Blue Cross - everybody is covered there. Aetna somehow isn't. I don't know how they got left out."
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2010/01/15-10Coakley in trouble? Pharma and HMO lobbyists to the rescue
Here are some of Coakley fundraiser hosts with some of their current health care clients:
* Thomas Boggs, Patton Boggs: Bristol-Myers Squibb
* Chuck Brain, Capitol Hill Strategies: Amgen, BIO, Merck, PhRMA
* Susan Brophy, Glover Park Group: Blue Cross, Pfizer
* Steven Champlin, Duberstein Group: AHIP, Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis
* Licy Do Canto, Raben Group: Amgen
* Gerald Cassidy, Cassidy & Associates: U. Mass Memorial Health Care
* David Castagnetti, Mehlman, Vogel, Castagnetti: Abbot Labs, AHIP, Astra-Zenaca, General Electric, Humana, Merck, PhRMA.
* Steven Elmendorf, Elmendorf Strategies: Medicines Company, PhRMA, United Health
* Shannon Finley, Capitol Counsel: Amgen, Astra-Zeneca, Blue Cross, GE, PhRMA, Sanofi-Aventis.
* Heather Podesta, Heather Podesta & Partners: Cigna, Eli Lilly, HealthSouth
* Tony Podesta, Podesta Group: Amgen, GE, Merck, Novartis.
* Robert Raben, Raben Group: Amgen, GE.
If this is what a "New Democrat" is and if this is the best the Democrats have to offer in the Great State of MA, It's an example of how far the party has fallen. Or maybe all this stuff has a good explanation.