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Video Exposes Antigay Western Theocratic Effort "Transforming" Uganda (claims to pray away AIDS)

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 10:23 AM
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Video Exposes Antigay Western Theocratic Effort "Transforming" Uganda (claims to pray away AIDS) high resolution medium resolution low resolution

My new 20 minute documentary, Transforming Uganda, exposes the immense political influence in Uganda of the International Transformation Network and ideological influence of George Otis, Jr.'s Transformations videos . Featuring conference video footage , Transforming Uganda presents a radically new perspective; a little-known but global evangelical effort, which claims gays are possessed by demons and that faith healing can cure HIV and AIDS, is working to "transform" the nation of Uganda along theocratic lines. Individuals in that effort, shown in the video, are directly tied to Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill that would mandate execution for HIV positive Ugandan citizens. According to gay rights activist Jim Burroway, the bill appears to still be in play.


Both Bahati, and Benson Obua-Ogwal, the Ugandan MP's who who introduced the internationally notorious Anti-Homosexuality bill in parliament, are closely linked, as the documentary shows, to the International Transformations effort and are members of the College of Prayer Uganda - headed by a leading Transformation movement advocate, Julius Oyet.

Oyet starred in one of the globally distributed Transformations videos, by Sentinel Group founder George Otis, Jr., which have spread the Transformation movement's eliminationalist, witch and demon-haunted ideology. College of Prayer Uganda, which played a significant role organizing and inspiring legislators who have backed the Anti Homosexuality Bill, is a chapter of the International College of Prayer, whose top leaders are Americans who operate out of a church in a suburb of Atlanta. Another American in the documentary, evangelist and Transformation advocate Os Hillman, also lives in an Atlanta suburb.

Left unexplored in the documentary, to preserve clarity and minimize length, is the wider nature of the Transformation movement, which is part of the international apostolic and prophetic movement under church growth specialist C. Peter Wagner, founder of the New Apostolic Reformation. Most of the leading figures in the video are leaders in Wagner's movement, which in turn is arising within the rapidly growing neocharismatic segment of Christianity that was estimated, by 2000, to encompass 295 million Christians worldwide.

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Shallah Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-17-10 08:31 PM
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