Edited on Sun Jan-17-10 12:53 PM by RBInMaine
Can a person be for gun rights, but ok with gay marriage, and still be progressive? Can a person be for gay marriage but opposed to gun rights and still be "progressive"? Can a person be for personal responsibility and still be "progressive"? Can a person be for gay marriage, against gun rights, against abortion, and for unionization and be "progressive"? Can a person be for strong national security, for the Afganistan war, against the Iraq war, and for tax fairness and a living wage and still be "progressive"? How about for green energy development, against gay marriage but for civil unions, for fair taxation and a living wage, for unions, but against single payer healthcare and still be "progressive"? Please, someone, show me two people are not in lockstep on each and every issue and yet both can be "progressive."
Considering myself, I think of myself as "progressive" since I believe in PROGRESS. I am for tax fairness, government investment in infrastructure and education, clean energy, corporate responsiblity, gay marriage (that's their choice, why should anyone else care?), reproductive choice, and unionization. I am opposed to the Iraq war, but I do think, due to Iraq, we have to give the other one more time, but LIMITED time. I also believe in flying the flag and a whole lot of personal responsibility attached to opporunity (i.e. welfare to work programs, minimal grade requirements for publicly-subsidized loans and schools, paying for your own abortion if that is your choice (rape, incest, and medical emergency excepted) etc.). I am for progress, even if it has to involve some compromise so at least small steps can be made. (Rarely does the whole world change overnight.) I would prefer single payer healthcare, but I know we can't get that now and would even welcome insurance reform as a first step. How about it? Do I qualify as "progressive"? Oh yes, I also vote virtually straight Dem. Even if the Dem is not as "progressive" as I might like I still vote for that candidate since the RePUKE is always 10 times worse.
The point of all this?: It seems some are too quick to label themselves but not others as "progressive," even in a society where two people very rarely agree on all issues. Everyone who disagrees with a "progressive" on some issue is NOT necessarily a "DLCer" (though probably most of us are moderate on a number of issues - and those DLC folk are no where near as bad as McConnell, Inhofe, DeMint, etc.) These labels really are pretty mushy. And some "progressives" need to be very careful about ideological/issue purity. It is a sure loser nationally, as evidenced by the perennial Nader/Kucinich campaigns.