Always remember to do the math when presented with facts.
Number of refugees in the immediate area of Port-au-Prince without food, water, shelter... about 3,000,000.
Amount of relief aid currently on the ground in Port-au-Prince (water, food, blankets, medical supplies, tents, everything) - 180 Tons. x 2000 x 16 (because we are going to need this number) = 5,760,000 ounces of aid on the ground.
5,760,000 / 3,000,000 (people that need aid) = 1.92 OUNCES of food, water, shelter, medical supplies for each person.
For the last 4 days of going without.
Think about that for a moment.
2 ounces of everything you need to live. Not per hour or minute or even a day, but the total for the last 4 days now going on 5. Think about that the next time you bite into a McDonald's Quarter Pounder... the meat in your hamburger is more than twice the amount of EVERYTHING that a Haitian survivor in Port-au-Prince might get in the next day or so.
They need at least 16 ounces (2 lb) per day per person. 8 times as much, per day. For the foreseeable future.
They need 1,440 tons of relief supplies every day. And even that may not be enough.
Scale is always a difficult thing to grasp.