I predict, that if Brown wins, the Teabaggers will fight to the death, for who, or what sector pushes the agenda. Yes it will be tragic to endure a bagger short of 60. And I further predict, that if Coakley wins, the teabaggers will have a civil war. To determine how to recover, and which agenda sector is pushing the agenda. That rabid rabble is due to implode. There will be no constitutional convention for them. The delusional nature of baggers will not allow rational dialogue, for agenda or command structure. They have almost as much sway as the Rethugs themselves. The baggers will lash out at both dems and rethugs, and we can defend ourselves, the rethugs can't. Lashing back at baggers, will see them lose much of that base. The baggers are professional victims, if nothing else. Their feelings will be hurt easier than the raw nerve endings around here.
We are about to see the possible REAL end to Republicans. Without the rage, and outrage, of the baggers, their entire hissyfit against democracy will fizzle. Faux will be howling into the wind.
How do we expedite this process? Take a page from the baggers. They have been whispering in our ear like wormtongue. Obama promised the moon. He lied. Never mind the meltdown. He promised transparency, never mind we deem all but to OUR impossible specs, opaque. Direct engagement, and telling the baggers that they were used, by the rethugs. They are mostly the religious right, and they DO feel betrayed. Pump that jam, till she blows. Make the baggers insist on unconstitutional demands, with regards to religion. Make the rethugs answer to their frankenstein. Saddle the rethugs with impossible bagger demands.
This is not only a time for doom and gloom. Even if it looks bleak. Oh, and get out there and walk, phone, talk. I would, but I'm stuck here in cali.