Fear of the new idea.
Mention a new idea and watch America react like Dracula exposed to a crucifix.
Thankfully, America' history isn't filled with dread of the new idea.
We manned(and womaned) up when we had to. We grew a pair when we needed to.
Had we always feared the new idea, our nations' history wouldn't be speckled with good moments and policies that changed America for the better.
If we had always feared change and the new idea, there'd be no..
Emancipation Proclamation.
New Deal.
Social Security.
Middle Class. When we UNIONIZED our way out of the Great Depression and created the middle class. Lifting millions of Americans out of poverty. Winning and setting wage and benefit standards still enjoyed by almost every working person today.
Predict your wage, benefit, compensation package today if Americans didn't unionize in the 30's, 40's, 50's. We all still owe a huge debt of gratitude to those brave souls who DID NOT fear change or a new idea. They wrote the book on bravery at a time when union activists were beaten, fired, and some cases killed.
Did those union activists sound like people who feared change or a new idea? FUCK NO!
Depression era union activists wrote the fuckin book on bravery.
The Income Tax. Love ot or hate it, it built America into the nation it is. We're 13 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt because the rich hate it.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964.
I thank the stars that we haven't always been afraid of new ideas.
Remember when that was A Democratic Party value? The new idea. When our party used to bill itself as the party of new ideas.
Repackaging epic failures- Supply-Side Parasitic Economics, eternal war, imperialism, union-busting, serfdom/slave wages, ALL NAFTA's, ALL "FREE" TRADE, corporate personhood, corporate owned elections, FOR-PROFIT 'Health' Care.
To our slavemasters- The GOP, DLC, Corporate America; We the people, can no longer afford to buy your lies.
To our fellow DU'ers of a higher age, please tell us what it was like when the Dem party actually gave a rat's ass about the little fella.
Tell us 'bout the good old days.