VEIL forensic tracking involves the use of imperceptible VEIL marks embedded into content by content owners using a real-time process. These marks allow tracking of the content through the distribution path and into consumer grade playback devices. When a piece of pirated content is discovered, the marks can be recovered and thereby identify the original location that created the leak. This is a low-cost solution that allows content owners the ability to track where their content is delivered and help close possible leaks.
..."the Sensenbrenner-Conyers analog hole bill, which would impose a secret law – a requirement that all devices that accept analog video inputs must implement a secret technical specification for something called a VEIL detector. If you want to see this specification, you have to pay a $10,000 fee to a private company and you have to promise not to tell anyone about the technology. It's pretty disturbing that our representatives would propose this kind of secret law."...