Even if Coakley loses, I imagine big insurance will manage to buy one Republican senator. n/t
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Mon Jan-18-10 02:18 AM
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Even if Coakley loses, I imagine big insurance will manage to buy one Republican senator. n/t |
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Mon Jan-18-10 02:23 AM
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1. What a stupid post. No, and it is bad for more than health care if Brown should manage a win. |
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Mon Jan-18-10 10:18 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
9. All I'm saying is that senate bill advocates will get their 60th vote - big insurance will buy it. |
They don't care if it's a repub, they corrupt people equally.
The bill sux.
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Mon Jan-18-10 02:23 AM
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2. Probably, someone posted an excellent commentary stating the above ... |
by Larwence ODonnell.
I hope this horrible bill doesn't pass, but the Insurance Cartel loves it, so it will. :shrug:
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Mon Jan-18-10 02:27 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
5. The insurance industry spent billions trying to kill this bill, and they're still doing it. |
The idea that they like it is firebagger fiction.
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Mon Jan-18-10 02:32 AM
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6. No the Insurance Cartel LOVES this bill especially the MANDATES. eom |
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Mon Jan-18-10 10:14 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
7. That's why their stocks are through the roof - cause they hate it.... Not! |
Cessna Invesco Palin
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Mon Jan-18-10 02:23 AM
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The Republicans are really anti-business. They might not like the idea of accepting money from a corporation.
Wait - what the fuck am I talking about? Shit, what the fuck are YOU talking about? Did you smoke the brown kool-aid acid?
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Mon Jan-18-10 02:27 AM
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It's like shit being made up, and all. Election being counted although it hasn't happened yet.
I remember when Obama was going to win New Hampshire during the Primaries. All the polls said so. He had "Momentum"...just not enough.
scheming daemons
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Mon Jan-18-10 10:16 PM
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8. Um... the insurance companies are funding the efforts AGAINST this legislation |
Another clueless pseudo-progressive.
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Mon Jan-18-10 10:19 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
10. LOL - look at their stocks ! They love it!!!!! |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:53 PM
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