Let's see. MA regards Mittens as unpopular and insincere, yet might be poised to select his surrogate, the nude centerfold, in its iconic political chair?!1
Hookay, I get it: Not!1
At least Shirley MacLAINE ain't a fool to believe COULTERgeist is "tender and kind"!1
http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/cindy_adams/actor_to_educate_SGwdohhCi8Q3Iv671se0FKLike Washington hasn't enough problems, it's now worrying a Supreme Court justice will pack in his/her robes come June. Although Justice John Paul Stevens is 89, speculation has it at Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 76, due to health reasons. DC is fretting about a potential political firestorm. Confirming a judge in 2010? Obama picking a liberal just as the country's swinging to the right? No senators, congresscreatures, no anybodies want that hassle at midterm elections.
Sleek & slender
Chivalry is not dead. Andrew Stein has come to the defense of his former girlfriend Ann Coulter (pictured). The one-time public advocate took issue with Page Six's recent description of the conservative ectomorph as "emaciated." Stein was overheard telling his pal Shirley MacLaine at Sette Mezzo the other night, "Ann is a beautiful woman with a sleek, slender figure who, in private, shows tenderness and kindness to those closest to her." MacLaine didn't seem convinced.
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0110/31602.htmlMassachusetts race lacks key ingredient: Mitt Romney
The upper echelon of Republican Scott Brown’s Senate campaign in Massachusetts is filled with staffers who once worked in former Gov. Mitt Romney’s employ.
Yet with the eyes of the nation on the state’s Jan. 19 special Senate election—and with other Republican luminaries such as Rudy Giuliani traipsing through Massachusetts in recent days for Brown—Romney himself has been conspicuously absent. ....
“Mitt Romney is an unpopular former governor. He left the state to run for president and people feel he was insincere when he ran for governor in the first place,” said Berry. “He hasn’t really been a part of Massachusetts political culture since he left office. I think people thought he ran for office merely to run for president.” ....