Fair Trade Madame Francique Mangoes (unique to Haiti and in season now)"Fair Trade Certified francique mangoes from Haiti are not only one of the best tasting mangoes available, but they also represent a rare opportunity to address the root of two interconnected and devastating problems in Haiti—poverty and deforestation.
The goal of the Fair Trade Certified mango program in Haiti is to put economic value on the mango trees so their roots will stay in the ground instead of being cut down for charcoal. Most mango growers in Haiti only own a few trees. On their own, they had little ability to negotiate prices and no access to international markets. But by banding together and participating in Fair Trade, growers now have access to international markets, better farm gate prices to the individual growers and higher prices to the grower group upon delivery to the exporter, and the end of year Fair Trade Premium—all of which translate into higher standards of living for impoverished growers and their families.
Since 2004, Fair Trade Certified mangoes have provided an essential source of income for Haiti’s poor family farmers—more than tripling their income from mango sales. In 2008, Whole Foods Market stepped forward as the first significant buyer of Fair Trade Certified mangoes, and brought the Whole Planet Foundation micro-lending programs to mango growing communities in Haiti. In just two years, Whole Foods Market has delivered over $33,000 in premiums and above market returns to farmers in the Western hemisphere’s neediest country."
http://transfairusa.org/blog/?p=1934Fair Trade Haitian Bleu Whole Bean Coffee By Coffee MastersThe Fair Trade Certified label guarantees that farmers and workers received a fair price for their product. The Fair Trade price means that farmers can feed their families and that their children can go to school instead of working in the fields. By receiving a fair price, Fair Trade producers can avoid cost-cutting practices that sacrifice quality. The coffee you buy represents the hard work of hundreds of thousands of people. Choosing products with the Fair Trade label is an easy way to make a positive impact on their lives.
http://www.cybercucina.com/ccdocs/products/HB12.htmlHaitian Woven Sisal"Do you have "stuff" in your office or home that you'd love to have a bit more organized? (Your web manager sure does!) These nesting round sisal baskets, handmade in Haiti, can help you. Not just baskets, the covers can help you keep items accessible but hide them from sight.