Democrats have proven that Joe Lieberman is not part of their team, he is a republican that gets special privledges from the majority party. So if Coakley loses tomorrow night not all that much will change, and if it means the defeat of the healthcare bill a lot of people here think that's a good thing. The white house and the democratic leadership has pissed all over it's base this past year, now they are shocked that we aren't excited about this special election. Why get excited about something that means absolutely nothing? In fact if it now means that Democrats stop selling out their legislation to corporate whores and instead have to ram it through without 60 votes using good old fashioned GOP politics then that might turn out to be a very good thing. All of the sudden reconciliation might be back on the table again, and maybe they won't be so supportive of automatic fillibuster of each piece of legislation that our democratic "leadership" agreed to.
Don't get me wrong, it would probably be better for Coakley to win. And if you guys are working your ass off for her more power to you. But the truth is at this point I personally really don't give a shit, sue me. And I'm sure many here share that view.
I would just like to add one more thing:

That's supposed to be our 60th vote because, well, he says he is (even if he doesn't actually vote with us).