Every so often republican voters say things that bring me up short. Do Republican voters actually think the GOP wants to "get everyone back to the table on health care to do this right?" If they think that, how did they come to think it?
And here's one that's been beaten to death, but it always mystifies me: "He believes in not giving terrorists our hard-fought constitutional rights and making us pay for it." There is a party that spent 8 years taking our rights (see: PATRIOT act and Homeland Security), but it's Those Other Guys, David.
I also spoke to two people about the election. The first was a man named David, who described himself as an unemployed volunteer for Brown. He was standing outside the library in the cold rain holding a sodden "Brown" sign. "There are many reasons I voted for Brown," he said. "
He will stop Obamacare and get everyone back to the table on health care to do this right. Second, I want them to focus on tort reform. But my number one reason is to stop that unconstitutional health care bill. I believe Brown has characher. His core values are mine. Low taxes, less intrusive government, basically the Reagan platform. He believes in not giving terrorists our hard-fought constitutional rights and making us pay for it. Coakley wants to do that."