Of course, you'd have to look at a time before Ronald Reagan ruled the roost in DC to see it. Suffice it to say, even Nixon, despite his paranoia and thirst for revenge, did not put "Today, we'll try to run the God damned government straight into the gutter again" at the top of every page of his day planner.
But for the last thirty years, the GOP has become progressively malfeasant and outright incompetent when it came to running the American people's affairs in the halls of government.
This trend has both promoted a relatively young crop of GOP pols with an attitude towards government that is much similar to the way of Simon Legree's attitude towards Uncle Tom (Legree killed Tom, BTW), and the unfortunate creation of momentum that sweeps all the old timers in the party with it, in order that they may save their political careers.
The result: Policies that have created pure chaos and economic stagnation for most of us and untold riches for those already loaded to the gills.
The Republicans have proven time and time again that they're not interested in doing the right thing, even if all the wrong things will eventually kill the fatted calf. They will aways object to any sustained system of social and economic justice and equality here (or the promotion of it anywhere else on the planet), because that would shift resources away from the gaping hole of the Military-Congressional-Industrial-Complex, the robber barons of Wall Street and the greedy corporatists that abound to our detriment.
Organized religion, closely monitoring the declining church attendance in countries with viable social democracies, understand that the Shock and Awe ways of the GOP are tailor made to create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty which impels people to resort to finding solace in faith based solutions, rather than relying on a functioning American social contract.
Unfortunately, this trend has urged parts of the Democratic party to go along to get along, because Americans demand that those existing GOP policies and programs are somehow altered to function against their very nature, which is to fail.
Needless to say, the Republicans have absolutely no impetus to change for the better, and every intention and mindset to get as worse as possible.
So, that being said, unless the American people would rather see the GOP finish the job of destroying the country...
Whatever the outcome in Massachusetts and despite whatever all the talking heads will say about fucking trends and all that shit, never, ever let that leave your mind and tell everyone else that you know... NEVER AGAIN.