Edited on Tue Jan-19-10 08:34 PM by mreilly
I live in Massachusetts and many of the people I know who support Brown are doing so for the same old obvious reasons; they care primarily about tax cuts, they're employed in the health care system and are against any change that might impact them or their employers, or they fell for the crap about how the seat is "the people's seat" and giving it to a Republican would somehow "send a message that government spending is too high." It really is no exaggeration to say that the people I know who backed Brown are self-oriented or just fell for talk radio crap. These are the same people that whine endlessly about the "one party rule" on Beacon Hill that consists of Democrats but never bothered to breathe a word of protest against the same one party rule in Washington that aided the Republicans for so many years.
That's the surface level of the support, but further down I truly can't understand why anyone who vote to send a Republican back to Washington.
Didn't we have eight years of the Republican Way, which brought us deficits, unemployment, wars, and a crumbling national infrastructure?
Haven't the Republicans campaigned for DECADES on the usual shit about "fixing the economy" but never doing a single thing other than racing about cutting taxes for billionaires and whimpering piteously about how the poor, poor wealthy have it so tough in this country?
Weren't the American people so sick and tired of the corruption, lies and incompetence from the GOP that they elected Obama President in 2008 to put an end to this cycle?
I know, we can argue that Obama has disappointed some people and thus electing a Republican in this bluest of blue states is somehow representative of people's short memories and demand for instant gratification. But I find it hard to believe that 14 months after having had enough of the GOP and the endless lies, failures, finger-pointing and kiddie bullshit that anyone could wander back into the arms of the Republicans or expect them to do a damned thing other than the same old, same old attitude towards the people: "If you make less than six figures, then FUCK YOU ASSHOLE."
My own wife voted for Brown, for reasons I haven't gone into with her because I know it will be pointless and produce an argument. She is somewhat religious and more inclined to oppose "wasteful government spending". But what bothers me is that she cast her vote for a guy who would only be oh-so-happy to send our two boys off to fight overseas if it met his party's interests... and the same guy opposes stem cell research, which I am adamantly in favor of. God forbid my kids should find themselves stricken with a disease that stem cell research might help cure, because Brown is going to stand in the way of that.
Mass marketing and media blitzes, that's the only way Republicans get elected. As I've said time and again, there are only three types of people who should vote Republican: the rich, the racists, and the rabidly religious (and by that I mean those who use religion as a weapon against others, not those who are devout and practice their beliefs in a positive way).