Once again Scott Brown the Republican winds up the benefactor due to Coakley's negative ads: "People were fed up with the mudslinging and many gravitated towards Brown as a response."
I may not like attack ads too much myself, but why is it that when Democrats run them the poor Republicans are wept over by the voters and given a cookie, but when the Republicans do the exact same thing against the Democrats there is never any discernible backlash? Why does the public only get upset about attack ads when it's a precious Republican on the receiving end?
Do you recall any attack ads blowing up in George H.W. Bush's face? Sure seems like Willie Horton and Dukakis in a tank were quite successful for the GOP.
Do you recall any attack ads backfiring on George W. Bush? Sure looks like he and his little band of turds managed to paint Al Gore as just one of those elitist know-it-alls "trying to tell good folks what to do."
Do you remember the Swift Boat fuckers from 2004 suffering heat or public outcry due to their treatment of the Vietnam vet John Kerry?
It may seem as if McCain's anti-Obama hysteria did indeed haunt him in 2008 but I think it was just more the fact he was correctly seen as a doddering old fool without a plan, who chose an imbecile as a sidekick at the expense of the country.
I live for the day when a Republican receives a public backhand for attack ads that drive undecideds into the Democrat's camp.