She clearly felt winning the primary was the same as winning the general.
She took a 10 day Christmas vacation, and when she was actually campaiging was rarely seen or heard by any but those who could give her money. Every day voters were told they had NO choice but to elect her to Kennedy's Democratic Senate seat.
Saying that alone figuratively as her campaigning tactics did would have been enough to sink her, but she did many more things just as insane that caused her to lose.
And in the end it's THE CANDIDATE, NOT THE PARTY that is responsible.
Dismissed the need to glad hand the public and meet them face to face or otherwise get my hands dirty actually asking Massachusetts voters to vote for her.
Instead she depended on stock mail outs, and canned robotic appearances which immediately made people NOT like her when juxtaposed next to teabagger studmuffin man.
If there is one truth re: ALL of America regardless of politics, color or income it is we are very looksist society.
Looks grant untold power to those blessed with an abundance of good looks without justification, without reason beyond merely looking at someone who is exceedingly attractive makes us feel good.
In the case of Brown even Progressives weren't immune for it seems some found reasons to vote for him.
If Dems. had run a halfway war candidate than much of Brown's appeal would have been nullified.
In Coakley though there was the perfect candidate to dramatically magnify Brown's natural abundance of looks based charm into raging charisma so powerful that a naked centerfold that would have sunk any other candidate resulted in charges of ugly tactics by Democrats and people everywhere defending him. That's the power of looks.
A man that good looking knows all too well how potent his "looks" are provided he handle it properly and not come off as a "looksist" be willing to wear the disguise of an every day guy who doesn't even know he's attractive - willingness to do a centerfold in a woman's magazine aside.
This was tailor-made for probably the most attractive politician in the nation today to craft an upset.
Everything so many people are trying to interpret this election to mean is too quick post game analysis, and avoiding probably the #1 factor that made Brown's otherwise insane positions for Massachusetts seem not to matter. in the same way a sports analyst sometimes attributes a victory to destiny rather than the winning team playing much better and smarter than the overconfident favorite who took the week off from training before the big game, and deigned to play their first stringers after the opposing team had built an insurmountable lead.
In a short election like this, where your guy is actively driving voters away with a pretentious demeanor and comments indicating a sense of entitlement that most loathe, this advantage is way too much to overcome.
People don't quickly forgive those they loathe, and they prefer to ignore they are even there.
By saying all the wrong things, doing all the wrong things as pretentiously as possible, taking Rahm's claim that progressives will do what they're told made her loathsome to the Mass. electorate.
When she finally realized the danger she was in, they were in no mood to listen to her or give her the benefit of the doubt. They were busy admiring Brown's cosmopolitan centerfold, ironically rather than damaging him it acted as sort of a positive shield that deflected serious questions and made many people defend him
All this due to charisma boosted by an truly incompetent campaign by an otherwise qualified candidate.
In the long term his charisma won't withstand his horrid political positions IN Mass.
In a short term election like this one, where one side dismisses making an effort, because their win is a given charisma can short circuit the critical observations of most voters.
They're still getting used to Brown's extremely good looks - give the anti-christ er I mean man his due.
It's not true what we were told on Buffy the vampire slayer, NOT all demons are hideous ogers. Quite a few are extremely sexy and get away with being so evil, because they're so hot the notion they could be a bad person is not something words can convey, only their actions.
Now we've been taught that lesson once again, I hope we don't let it happen again (romney)
That's something that in 2 years time, Brown should have ample opportunity to do.