Throw the bastards out! We're going to be hearing a lot of that in the future. Guess which Party is more at risk?
Adding fuel to the flames is that so far NOTHING has trickled down to the common man THAT THEY PERCEIVE. I know that unemployment was extended, there are tax credits for home purchase, student loan debt has been modified, Cobra subsidies, etc. but that isn't what the mob is looking for - they WANT some heads to roll.
NOTHING has happened to a single person who participated in bringing down the financial system, in fact many have been rewarded with government positions. Healthcare has been a fiasco of missed deadlines, back room deals with lobbyists like Tauzin, misguided ways to finance with taxes on benefits, etc. The Dems have no one to blame but themselves for misteps every step of the way.
History is also being re-written to favor the Pubs. They are not above outright lies. It's Obama's rescession, no terrorist attacks during Bush's term, and on and on and on.
The DLC Dems have gotten us into an incredible sqeeze play. The right doesn't need them - they can just go vote for some real Republicans, not pretend ones. The left is alienated because they have been actually ridiculed, insulted and ignored. Independent fence straddlers appear to be leaning right. I don't attribute that to philosophy but more a rejection of Democratic fecklessness. It's just plain DUMB to keep trying to be bi-partisan by yourself and to keep whittling away at your own bills for no good reason. No one likes failure or wants to be associated with it. Strong words, but true.
I have one solution. The Dems should start acting like old-fashioned Dems again. Screw Centrism, screw DLC, screw the Third Way, screw the New Democrats. If people want Republicans, they can vote for Republicans.