Just Shut Up!
Josh Marshall | January 19, 2010, 8:07PM
Message of the day to all Dems, Coakley, Rahm, Celinda Lake, national Dem committees, Axelrod, whoever, whatever: Shut the *$%& Up! I don't know how else to say it. I'm watching MSNBC and hearing all the key players dumping on each other. As I've said, the Coakley campaign seems to have been run just terribly. And that's just the beginning of it. But really, with all that's at stake, the White House political office left this to Coakley, unsupervised? Really? I just have very little patience hearing all the people who are by definition all to blame have an argument about who's most to blame.
What I'm seeing -- and this isn't just based on public comments but our reporting behind the scenes -- is that there's a lot more energy going into dodging blame for this unforced error of galactic proportions than there is going into the real issue: closing the loop on the health care bill. Which is the only issue in policy terms and political terms. That's it. Everything else is water under the bridge.
And the key is this: this nonsense arguing is very reminiscent of 6 months of chatter and wasted negotiations that prevented this from getting done in the early summer instead of letting it get to this point. Which was n-e-e-d-l-e-s-s.
Jon Chait has this right. The Dems need to relax, get to work, pass the bill and move on.
http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2010/01/just_shut_up.php?ref=fpblg Suck it up and move foreward. This 60 vote supermajority is a smokescreen. Jon Stewart had a great piece on it the other night about Democratic crybabies and how Bush and his Republican majority Congress rammed legislation down the throats of Americans with a simple 51 vote majority in the Senate. If the Democrats want to get any real change accomplished, they'll have to start growing a set and get over it. Work with the majority you have, not the majority you wish you had. Pelosi, Reid etc. will have to start doing their jobs as majority leaders and start playing hardball, get Democrats in line to vote as a bloc and use the House and Senate rules to the majority party's advantage!! Start acting like a majority party for once Democrats!! Otherwise just shut the fuck up!!