senator has.. and Obama and D.C. pushed to get a dem into the senate seat for that 60th vote on HCR... it was a wasted effort since nothing moved and the bill stinks to everyone as an insurance/ pharma give-away. They would have had better numbers had they not pushed for the law to be changed just for the Dems.. they should have gone thru with the special election only; instead of tampering. When D.C. messes with in-state issues, it looks and feels corrupt no matter what party does this... And honestly, what does MA have to worry about... They have state mandated health care. Why do they want to pay more for the rest of the country to have what they must take themselves. As far as I have heard from people I know in the state, the premiums keep rising and the amt that is covered is less.. and they messed with other social programs to help pay for the reforms which hurts the people who can least afford it. If MA was looking at a Medicare for all policy that would actually help them, then Coakley might have had a better chance.. But Brown's message of no change is actually better for MA residents... I would think Jobs and help with mortgages would be a bigger issue for MA residents. MA has seen their jobs first taken down south to avoid Union wages and then taken out of the country; first to Mexico and then to China. If they don't do something about the jobs/ trade issues, the dems are going to lose. Its a big deal. Most people understand NAFTA and the rest of the job hemorrhaging programs are all crap... What did we get in return, loss of jobs and poisoned, cheap crap merchandise in return.