and I kept that puppy OFF because of it. When I left the valley, I'd tune into the Spanish station to the north or the Navajo station to the west, but KKOB was gag inducing. Long trips usually meant a tape deck, though, because that sucky station is the only one that comes in.
It's so awful I don't even know if the AM band on my tuner works. I've never turned it on.
I've only lived in one worse area, a town that had a radio station whose unofficial motto was "Beautiful music, wherever you set your radio dial." They would appear all over the FM band, drowning out the good stations. We used to fantasize about what we'd like to do to their tower and one day, someone with access to dynamite did it. We never knew who it was, but he had a grateful town.
Unfortunately, they were back in a week.
Forget the FCC or anybody else, they work for the owners.
The only thing that will work with such a monumentally awful radio station is kidnapping the owners and holding them hostage, keeping them alive only as long as the programming is changed. Or the signal tightened.