Fucking anti-choicers: http://www.newson6.com/global/story.asp?s=11847594 Disturbing Images on the Move Meant to Share Pro-Life Message Posted: Jan 19, 2010 4:43 PM CST Updated: Jan 20, 2010 12:18 PM CST By Rusty Surette, NEWS 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Truth Trucks are rolling into Oklahoma, and they're turning heads and stomachs.
The Kansas-based group, Operation Rescue, along with the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, is currently recruiting Oklahoma drivers for their controversial Truth Trucks. The rolling billboards are extremely graphic and often contain photos of discarded fetuses and baby body parts. Some of the images are so disturbing, NEWS 9 and News9.com have to censor the footage, but pro-life supporters said the images are meant to be an eye-opener. "When we show the aftermath of abortion to people, often times, people's hearts and minds change on the subject," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "It's no longer an abstract idea or the lesser of two evils."
Newman's group is based in Wichita, Kansas, but he said his organization is expanding and recruiting new drivers in Oklahoma. The California-native said politics is why his group and others have their sights set on Oklahoma. "We can't take any chances in the final passage of 'ObamaCare,' particularly as it pertains to abortion funding," Newman said.
That's why the Truth Trucks are making a trek across Oklahoma Congressman Dan Boren's district. Although the democratic lawmaker is pro-life and opposes public funding for abortions, Newman said he hopes Boren's constituents will keep him from changing his mind and vote.
"We're focusing in on the blue dog democrats," said Newman. "The ones that claim to be pro-life and may have a hard time bucking their party as this train is trying to ram down this pro-abortion funding, ObamaCare, right down the throats of Americans."
On Tuesday afternoon, Congressman Dan Boren reiterated to NEWS 9 that he will not support a bill that would fund abortions with tax dollars.more at link.