President Obama's approval ratings are sinking even in California, the source of much of the funding and manpower for his presidential campaign, according to a Field Poll to be released today that shows voters are increasingly skeptical of his health care reform plans.
While 56 percent of Californians still support Obama, that's down from 65 percent in March, according to a Field Poll taken Jan. 5-17 of 1,232 registered voters in the state.
Obama's strongest support was among Bay Area voters, at 65 percent, while voters in the Central Valley were least supportive of him, at 46 percent.
Nationally, 50 percent of the respondents to a Gallup Poll this month supported Obama, while 44 percent disapproved.
"Support among younger Californians - who backed Obama's candidacy in record numbers - is dropping. Sixty percent of voters 18 to 29 years old support Obama, compared with 75 percent in March."
Obama is losing the younger generation-and all generations-because he's not governing as a Democrat, for the people. If he doesn't get his act together and really deliver on his major promises, then I fear he will be a one-term President.