Edited on Thu Jan-21-10 02:04 AM by CoffeeCat
How this White House interpret, spins and acts on the result of the Massachusetts Senate race will reveal exactly what their agenda is and where their loyalties lie.
The Coakley/Brown result can be interpreted in numerous ways. Brown's win can be used to justify many political agendas; and it can also be used to attack or discredit other political ideals.
Just like a Rorschach inkblot--what the beholder "see" reveals a great deal.
How the White House uses this result--will reveal in very certain terms--exactly what this White House is made of and what kind of Democrats these people are.
The White House can do one of two things: 1.) Suggest that the election outcome was a rejection of liberalism, healthcare reform and larger government--and proceed to move even farther right and reject reform. 2.) Suggest that this election outcome was a rejection of: Corporatism, center/center right policies and the non-reform healthcare bill that kow tows to insurance companies.
The White House can use the Brown win to justify and legitimize where they now want to go--left or right.
The $64,000 question, in my mind is---Was Obama sincere in his campaign promises of REAL "hope and change" or was he a corporatist all along who managed to bamboozle so many into voting for "hope and change" on which he never intended to follow through?
I believe, the near-term actions of this President and the White House will give our nation a definitive answer to that question.
Like a Rorschach test, the Massachusetts outcome can be viewed in many ways--and how Obama and his White House choose to view the result, will reveal the truth about where this administration stands.