"This technique is not new and in fact mirrors the original plan for Bush's Commission to Strengthen Social Security (CSSS) in 2001-2002."
Step one.
Get consensus on 'Crisis'. In this case that current debt growth levels are unsustainable.
Step two.
Get consensus that there are only three possible paths out: revenue increases (A), cuts in military and other discretionary spending (B1 and B2), or cuts to non-discretionary spending, meaning Medicare and Social Security (C)
Step three:
Having agreed that some combination of A, B, and C is needed set up a Commission with a mandate to propose an up or down vote.
Step four.
Committee decides it is unwise to increase taxes during a recession and eliminates (A). Commission further decides that it is unwise to cut defense spending in the middle of two wars eliminating (B1) and that eliminating infrastructure spending or farm supports is both unwise or politically impossible in the current climate (B2)
Step five.
Recommend a package of cuts to Medicare and Social Security-C on the basis of shared sacrifice, after all every CD and State has a share of the elderly population.
Step Six:
Tell Congress that the statute doesn’t allow them to revisit A or B and then that NOT voting for a C based solution means denial of Steps one and two.
Either get a vote for C or run against opponents as ‘Do Nothing Deficit Deniers”
In 2005 Bush mostly got stopped at Step A. Since his proposal was narrowly focused on Social Security, a 'There is No Crisis' narrative WITHIN the Social Security context was able to get traction. This time we are on a very different track, instead of selling this as a proposal for an 'Ownership Society' (where the numbers were pretty easily debunked), it is being sold as a matter of 'Intergenerational Equity' and 'Fiscal Responsibility'. And from that starting point Step one is pretty much in the bag and logic gets you mostly through Step two.
Leaving us where? Well we are within a week of a vote on Step three of the first list and if it passes steps four through seven pretty much follow automatically, they may not work but I would hate to have to bet on it.
Meaning that we need to stop Step three by convincing people that Step four is already in the bag. So called 'Deficit Hawks' strongly overlap with 'Tax Hawks' and with 'Military Hawks'. Moreover they are largely from farm states and not likely to vote for big cuts there. Which really leaves only one question in my mind, do they stop with proposing big slashes to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid? Or make new runs at Urban Transit, Community Develpment, or (non-military) Foreign Aid?
I suspect they know better than to get too ambitious and will instead just strike at Entitlements as such.
A last note on Bartlett who revealed too much. In noting that while open to tax increases in principle history showed that while Congress couldn't help cutting future tax increases back (as with AMT), both Congress and people allowed the benefit cuts in the 1983 Reform to occur on schedule. Since future wage working retirees actually decided to go along with that for the general good while the wealthy would predictably resist paying taxes for that same general welfare that we should just go with the benefit cuts. Because they were 'doable'.
So workers are 'doable'. Which puts us 'working guys' into a whole new category, except in this case we are paying the Johns.
http://angrybear.blogspot.com/2010/01/seven-steps-to-social-security-cuts-via.htmlBruce Webb runs an excellent blog, mostly on Social Security - with in depth hard data.
http://bruceweb.blogspot.com/The other thing I might add: in this scenario, you'd still be paying the same SS taxes -- but getting less than promised. The excess would be siphoned off to pay for, e.g. bankster bailouts & debt repayment for the investor class.