"...and I'd like to welcome our newest member of the Senate, Scott Brown of Massachusetts. Many of you may not know that just a couple of years ago, Senator Brown voted for Governor Mitt Romney's Health Care Reform initiative in Massachusetts. As a result of that legislation, 98% of Massachusetts residents now have coverage.
By all accounts, the Massachusetts legislation was a more liberal and sweeping reform initiative than the bill passed by the U.S. Senate just last month. I would encourage Senator Brown to vote to give the rest of the American people the same Health Care Reform that he voted to give the people of his own state. If it was a good deal for the good people of Massachusetts, then it is a good deal for the folks in the other 49 states too."
Accomplishes a few things:
- In a relatively nice way, informs the American people that Scott Brown's "I'm the 41st vote against Health Care Reform" stance during the campaign was all politics and NOT based on Brown's personal conviction.
- It also informs the rest of the American people that HCR has already been passed on the state level in some places and IS WORKING.
- Also exposes the lie that the GOP congressmen are against Health Care Reform on principle... That their opposition is based solely on denying Obama a legislative victory.