A good bit of it is lashing out over the loss of Kennedy's senate seat. I'll let that discussion go elsewhere. This post is about "the far left". And judging by the barbs being tossed out, that would include me.
First let me say that I'm hardly a "far lefty". I'm a liberal who is generally in line with the thinking and philosophy of FDR, but modernized. I don't call myself a progressive or some new age kind of self identification. I'm an old fashioned liberal.
While I would like everything yesterday (that's a Boomer trait, not a liberal trait), I am old enough to know that won't happen. But what I *want* to happen - and what I think most "far leftys" want to see - is a definite change in direction. We want leadership. Actual leadership. We want to see clearly articulated stands on issues. And we want to be acknowledged. We want to know the people we voted for remember we exist.
Since health care reform is the issue of the moment, I will use that as but one example.
I *want* single payer. I also know that is not in the cards. But why? See, here's the thing. The job of crafting a bill was outsourced to a dysfunctional group (Congress). The administration never put out much more than platitudes and broad statements. If there was any specificity, it sure never got shared with the country. The president is no different than any other politician: he doesn't talk to us unless he wants something. So maybe there was some plan he was trying to get in place.
DU is a reasonably knowledgeable bunch of people who are pretty well tuned in. Even in view of this, there has been a lot more speculating about what was in the bill(s). If there were leadership and stated goal, we would have known what they were and been discussing that. Instead, we discussed unicorns and fairy wings and clowns dancing on the eye of the needle ..... in other words, rampant speculation that is the natural outgrowth of a knowledge vacuum.
So please, when you call out "the far left" at least have the decency to be realistic. And give us some credit for being more than "haters". For many, this is not about Obama or any other one person. The criticism being leveled aginst him right now would be leveled against anyone who was in that office and did (or did not) do what he's done. It just so happens he's the one in that particular hot seat.