YORK As one of his predecessors in the Bush White House, Ari Fleischer, testified elsewhere in D.C. in the "Scooter" Libby trial, Tony Snow met with reporters today, who posed wide-ranging questions relating to the Iraq war and Iran, among other subjects.
Asked how closely the White House was following the Libby trial, Snow said, "Not that closely really. I know there's this perception that we're all sitting around buzzing about it, but we really aren't....It is what it is, it's an ongoing trial, and we're not going to comment on it further."
"Are you glad you were not press secretary then?" someone asked.
"I am glad I'm press secretary now," Snow replied.
Asked how the president was reacting to the Saturday peace march in Washington, Snow said, "I don't think he really thought a lot about it."
I know this all shouldn't come as a surprise, but I have to say that the amount of indifference these people feel toward the American people is galling, even if it is not surprising. More than 100,000 make there way to Washington to voice their opinion, and he doesn't even think about it?? I don't care if he agrees with them or not --- what a freaking jerk! And by the way, is there any more vile a person on this planet (other than the VP and Karl Rove) than Tony Snow?