DU is really getting to me these days. It has become too much like a leftist reflection of Free Republic. It's all Scream, no Primal; all Tantrum and no Temper. As much as I admire Messrs. Allen, Allsopp, and Leitner, and am in awe of their contributions to political discourse and my pathetic little life alike, there is only so much they can do. Anger has festered into self-loathing. We think we're too hip for the room, and the walls are closing in on us.
I'm 51, and have suffered poor health since I was 18. Over that period, I became less and less able to get appropriate medical care that would have kept me productive. So now I am (gratefully) being supported by the taxpayers. But what I lost along the way! Marriage and kids are now but a dream I once had. I shoulda moved to Canada.
But that was yesterday.
I'm of the school of thought that says, even when the bully has beaten you to a pulp, keep fighting. Keep after him. Never let him rest. Crawl into his mind and haunt his dreams. We should have that attitude.
We liberals/Democrats have made one single, fundamental error: we have allowed ourselves to believe that elections are consumer transactions, and we elect contract fulfillment specialists, political valet service. And it's killing us. All any election gives us is an administrator, an executive, and it is to be hoped that the exec is a leader, too. But the struggle never ends. We can't just sit back and let politicians do our work for us. Engagement is a way of life, not a means to a trivial electoral end.
We are going to have to fight and claw every inch of the way to get health care reform, financial reform, civil rights for the LGBT community ... everything we value, and things we haven't even dreamed of yet. But it could be the most ecstatic thing we ever do. I can't begin to tell you how much of a thrill I still get calling any of my elected reps to nag them to vote this way or that, and to keep fighting the good fight. Exercising even that little bit of power still gives me goosebumps.
Too many good men and women have DIED so that I may exercise that franchise, that right, that thrill, and live in that kind of world. I OWE it to them to use it.
I OWE it to those uncounted patriots to kick ass, and to keep kicking. We ALL owe it to them. And you know, I truly believe that our politicians YEARN for the freedom that our renewed political fight would give them.
If we would live as men and women, so we must fight as lovers of freedom and justice. Spartans of the human spirit. Like Basques and Catalonians taking on the Franquistas in the Pyrenees foothills, fighting to the last bullet, and chucking stones when they ran out.
I liked your rant. I plan to do more ranting myself. The troops need to be rallied, and if I have it in me to do the rallying, I will.
So keep fighting. This is the very best time in American history to actually MAKE American history. The fights are small and trivial, but The Fight is our very lifeblood. It will renew us and revitalize us.