Jan. 21, Washington - In a barely noticed footnote on page 73 of the majority opinion in Citizens United v. FEC, a sharply divided Supreme Court held that speech may be taxed. It remains unclear whether the tax can be applied per word or per paragraph.
Spokesman C. J. H. Dickens of the National Writers Guild vowed the NWU would immediately file a Petition to Reconsider if the tax is to be applied per word. He stated his organization is still studying its options on the paragraph tax.
The White House late today issued a statement that the Justice Department will robustly monitor whether the tax is indiscriminately applied against vowels. Edsel Chamberlain, press secretary to the Civil Rights Enforcemet Division of DoJ, when asked how widespread the discrimination may be, replied, "Can't tell yet."
Court watchers are closely following a companion case, Pfizer v. American Lung Association, in which the Second Circuit ruled that patents on oxygen generated in human lungs may not be enforced. Following today's decision, it is widely expected the Supreme Court will reverse the Second Circuit. The highly anticipated ruling is expected to be released Monday.
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