done us much good so far.
We live in a country where never ending, illegal, immoral wars are preferred over health care for the masses. A large group of citizens fight for the right to torture instead of supporting gay rights. If it means a segment of the population drops dead because they are unable to access the health care system, so be it as long as it doesn't cost them a dime or make them have to wait a few minutes longer to to see a doctor.
They want to shove their own twisted values and views on morality down our throats while they creep and cheat and go around living a lie.
I'm not just talking about the pubs either. I'm talking about the people who fancy themselves independents and moderates.
If we don't get out the minority and youth vote in mass every single election from now on, I fear what will become of the dem party. And if Obama doesn't toughen up to some of these assholes and quit trying to be all things to all people, this will be one of the most disappointing presidencies in modern history after all the hype. He tried bi-partisanship and we see where that got us. He needs to start telling some of them to stuff it on both sides of the aisle.