DU? KOS? Facebook? Email? Etc and so on.
We have power those in corps wished they had years ago.
We can organize and reach more people in one day for the price of an internet connection than they ever could.
From websites we go to, to games and the forums for such. One voice can now reach a ton of people - voices that at one time were not heard because we only had three channels controlled by a select few.
You want to give up because now corps can spend a ton of money on adverts? Well here is a newsflash - they skirted tax laws and such for decades and did the same with campaign laws and yet we still mobilized people in 2008 to keep McCain/Palin out.
Screw em - we can turn this into something good for our side. We here on DU raise more money faster than such places as FR, we can do the same for TV ads too if we want.
I can't change this court decision, you can't either, but that does not mean we suddenly lost all hope. Together we have more power than those who want to usurp our ideals. Because unlike those on the right we won't just rely on others (corps) to do our bidding - we can pull together to get things done.
If I can write an OP that touches many others, you can too - and you have. If I can make a youtube video which gets a lot of views, you can too - and many have (with a lot more views than anything I have ever done).
Things are not like they used to be - there is a lot more power in our voices than there used to be.
This is a battle of ideals and how to use the 'new media' to get them out.
Let them waste their money on commercials that most people skip over on their DVR's.
Because we will win it using the net.
And if you don't think we will, well all I can say is - to hell with giving up hope. I don't need massive wealth to say what I feel, to reach out to many others.
Contribute to DU or the site of your choice. Keep the information flowing.
The net is our equalizer. Don't despair - take em on.
One post, one site, at a time.